A Proposal for U.S. Peacebuilding and Global Stability

Executive Summary

The world today faces unprecedented challenges, including the risk of major power conflicts, nuclear threats, climate change, and a surge in global conflicts. In this volatile environment, the United States has the potential to lead as a global peacemaker by prioritizing diplomacy, development, and integrated security-sector engagement. This proposal outlines a comprehensive strategy for the U.S. to shift its foreign policy towards peacebuilding, reducing reliance on military aid and interventions.

Key Points:

– Objective: Transform U.S. foreign policy to focus on peacebuilding through effective and sustainable diplomatic efforts.

– Rationale: Historical successes in diplomacy demonstrate that inclusive negotiations, third-party mediation, and addressing root causes of conflict can lead to lasting peace.


– Reallocate military spending to social and environmental programs.

– Strengthen diplomacy and conflict resolution initiatives.

– Promote international development and humanitarian efforts.

– Enhance transparency and accountability in defence spending.

– Build stronger alliances with international organizations and NGOs.

– Engage the public in discourse on the benefits of peacebuilding over military solutions.


The United States possesses unique attributes, such as global influence, extensive diplomatic networks, and significant resources, making it an ideal candidate to lead global peace efforts. By adopting this strategy, the U.S. can foster a more peaceful and just world, aligning with the values of fairness, justice, and reconciliation.

This proposal calls on policymakers, including the President and members of Congress, to take bold steps towards reallocating military funds to peacebuilding initiatives, supporting legislation that prioritizes diplomacy and development, and engaging with international partners to create a global culture of peace. Together, we can make a significant impact on the world stage and create a legacy of peace and justice for future generations.

Understanding Today’s Global Challenges

The world today faces a multitude of complex and interwoven crises. The risk of major power conflicts is at its highest since the Cold War, with nuclear threats looming larger than ever. The climate crisis exacerbates tensions and drives mass migrations, while a surge in global conflicts threatens stability and security. In this volatile environment, the emergence of a dedicated global peacemaker is not just desirable but essential.

Peacebuilding is the cornerstone of my vision for a better world, inspired by the teachings of Jesus and the Qur’an. This approach aligns with the best interests of both the United States and the global community. By prioritizing diplomacy and sustainable solutions, we can address the root causes of conflicts and foster a more peaceful and just world.

Can the U.S. Become the World Peacemaker? And how?

As individuals and communities, followers of Jesus and believers in the Qur’an have a role to play in shaping the future of U.S. foreign policy for the best interest of the U.S. and the world. By advocating for policies that prioritize peacebuilding and diplomacy, we can contribute to a more peaceful and just world, aligning with our values as believers drawing on common values found in the Qur’an and the teachings of Jesus. Let us draw inspiration from historical successes and work together to create a future where peace and stability are the cornerstones of global relations.

Objective: To shift U.S. foreign policy towards becoming a “Global Peacemaker” through more effective and sustainable diplomatic efforts, reducing reliance on military aid and interventions.

Rationale: Drawing on historical successes in diplomacy, this plan aims to address current conflicts through inclusive negotiations, third-party mediation, confidence-building measures, long-term commitment, addressing root causes, and leveraging international support.

Reallocating funds from military spending to social and environmental programs can have a profound impact on global issues like hunger and climate change. Even a modest reduction in military budgets worldwide could free up significant resources to reinforce values of peace and stability globally.

Why the U.S. is Uniquely Positioned to Lead

The United States possesses several key attributes that make it an ideal candidate for this vital role:

Global Influence: The U.S. wields significant political, economic, and military power, which can be harnessed to mediate conflicts and promote peace.

Extensive Diplomatic Networks: With a vast network of diplomatic relationships, the U.S. can facilitate dialogue and cooperation among nations.

Resource Availability: As the largest financial contributor to UN peacekeeping and a major provider of humanitarian aid, the U.S. has the resources necessary to support comprehensive peacebuilding initiatives.

Historical Precedent: The U.S. has a proven track record of successful involvement in peace processes, such as the Camp David Accords and the Dayton Agreement.

Moral Leadership: By championing values of fairness, justice, and reconciliation, the U.S. can set a moral example for the international community.

The Imperative for Action

Given the current global situation, the U.S. must step forward to lead peacebuilding efforts. This proposal advocates for a strategy that includes inclusive negotiations, third-party mediation, confidence-building measures, long-term commitment, addressing root causes of conflict, leveraging international support, and integrating principles of fairness and justice. By doing so, the U.S. can help foster a more peaceful and just world.

The status quo and the potential for a peaceful world

If the United States decides to accept the role of a “Global Peacemaker”, can it achieve its strategic objectives without using the military or providing military aid to allies that maybe be used against other countries?

Yes, intensifying efforts as peacemaker can help the U.S. achieve its strategic goals without relying on military aid. The U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability, guided by the Global Fragility Act, focuses on four key goals: prevention, stabilization, partnerships, and management.

This strategy emphasizes:

  1. Prevention: Engaging in peacebuilding and anticipating conflicts before they erupt.
  2. Stabilization: Using inclusive processes to resolve ongoing conflicts.
  3. Partnerships: Fostering conditions for long-term regional stability and economic growth.
  4. Management: Enhancing the way the U.S. government operates in various contexts.

By prioritizing diplomacy, development, and integrated security-sector engagement, the U.S. can promote peace and stability, potentially reducing the need for military interventions.

If this is true. Then, what am I missing here? It does not seem that the U.S. government is following its own declared policies? Why?

Apparently, it’s a complex issue, and many already noticed the gap between declared policies and actual practices. Several factors can contribute to this discrepancy:

  1. Political Dynamics: Different administrations and political parties have varying priorities and approaches. Changes in leadership can lead to shifts in policy focus and implementation.
  2. Bureaucratic Challenges: Implementing policies often involves navigating complex bureaucratic systems, which can slow down or alter the intended outcomes.
  3. Competing Interests: Various stakeholders, including lobbyists, interest groups, and international allies, can influence policy decisions, sometimes leading to compromises that deviate from original goals.
  4. Resource Allocation: Limited resources and budget constraints can force difficult choices, leading to prioritization of certain policies over others.
  5. Global Context: International events and geopolitical considerations can necessitate adjustments in policy to respond to emerging threats or opportunities.
  6. Public Opinion: Policymakers often need to balance their actions with public sentiment, which can be influenced by media, social movements, and other factors.

Understanding these dynamics can help in advocating for more consistent and effective policy implementation. These dynamics, however, can be excuses for not pursuing peace around the world. This point will become clearer if we shed more light on those benefitting from the American government’s failure to pursue peace. This can be a critical and complex issue. The primary beneficiaries of the U.S. government’s extensive military aid and defence spending often include:

  1. Defence Contractors: Companies like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon benefit significantly from government contracts to supply military equipment and services.
  2. Political and Strategic Allies: Countries receiving military aid, such as Israel, Egypt, and Jordan, benefit from enhanced security and military capabilities.
  3. Military-Industrial Complex: This term refers to the relationship between the government, the military, and the defence industry, which can drive policy decisions and resource allocation.
  4. Geopolitical Interests: The U.S. aims to maintain influence and stability in key regions, which can sometimes lead to prioritizing military aid over other forms of assistance.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower did warn about the dangers of the military-industrial complex in his farewell address on January 17, 1961. He cautioned against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex, highlighting the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power.

To correct this policy and shift towards more peaceful and sustainable solutions, several strategies can be considered:

  1. Strengthening Diplomacy: Investing more in diplomatic efforts and conflict resolution initiatives can help address the root causes of conflicts without resorting to military interventions.
  2. Promoting Development: Increasing funding for international development programs can improve living conditions and stability in vulnerable regions, reducing the likelihood of conflict.
  3. Enhancing Transparency: Implementing greater transparency and accountability in defence spending and military aid can help ensure that resources are used effectively and ethically.
  4. Diversifying Partnerships: Building stronger alliances with international organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on peacebuilding and humanitarian efforts can create a more balanced approach to global security.
  5. Public Engagement: Encouraging public discourse and education on the impact of military spending versus peaceful initiatives can help shift public opinion and policy priorities.
  6. Legislative Action: Advocating for policies and legislation that prioritize peacebuilding and reduce reliance on military solutions can create long-term change.

These strategies require a concerted effort from the public, civil societies, and policymakers, to create a more peaceful and just world.

The Current declared U.S. Grand Strategy

The 2022 National Security Strategy focuses on strengthening alliances, promoting democracy, addressing global challenges, maintaining military superiority, and enhancing economic competitiveness.

This strategy aims to position the United States to out manoeuvre geopolitical competitors, tackle shared challenges, and set the world on a path toward a brighter future.

However, there is ongoing debate about the effectiveness and implementation of this strategy. Some experts argue for a more restrained approach, focusing on diplomacy and reducing military commitments.

Lessons from Past Diplomatic Successes

– Camp David Accords (1978): Inclusive negotiations and third-party mediation led to a historic peace agreement between Egypt and Israel.

– Good Friday Agreement (1998): Addressing root causes and involving all stakeholders helped end decades of conflict in Northern Ireland.

– Dayton Accords (1995): Leveraging international support and long-term commitment brought peace to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

– Iran Nuclear Deal (2015): Confidence-building measures and sustained engagement ensured compliance and reduced nuclear threats.

Integrating Military Strength with Diplomacy

– Deterrence: A strong military can deter potential aggressors and provide leverage in negotiations.

– Protection of Interests: Ensuring the protection of national interests and allies is essential for maintaining stability.

– Humanitarian Interventions: Military capabilities can support peacekeeping missions and disaster relief efforts.

While emphasising the importance of the U.S. role as a “Global Peacemaker” we are well aware that strength is important to bring people to the table to negotiate in earnest and to protect and enforce agreements.

A Comprehensive Peacebuilding Strategy

1- Inclusive Negotiations: Ensure all relevant parties, including marginalized groups, are involved in peace negotiations.

2- Third-Party Mediation: Utilize neutral third-party mediators to facilitate dialogue and build trust.

3- Confidence-Building Measures: Implement measures such as ceasefires, economic cooperation, and humanitarian aid to build trust.

4- Long-Term Commitment: Ensure sustained engagement and monitoring of peace agreements.

5- Addressing Root Causes: Focus on resolving underlying issues such as economic disparities, political exclusion, and social injustices.

6- Leveraging International Support: Garner support from international organizations and allies to enhance the legitimacy and effectiveness of diplomatic efforts.

7- Fairness and Justice:

  • Equitable Representation: Ensure that all groups, especially those historically marginalized, have a voice in the peace process.
  • Accountability Mechanisms: Establish systems to hold all parties accountable for their actions during and after the conflict.
  • Restorative Justice: Implement processes that focus on healing and reconciliation, rather than just punishment.

Mobilizing Support and Implementation

– Engage Lawmakers: Develop relationships, provide evidence-based information, and highlight local impacts to build support among lawmakers, in the U.S. and abroad.

– Public Engagement: Mobilize public support through campaigns, petitions, and media outreach.

– Academic Forums: Present the proposal at academic forums to build intellectual and grassroots support.

– Media Strategy: Use media platforms to publicize the proposal and generate public discourse.

– Legislative Action: Advocate for policies and legislation that prioritize peacebuilding and reduce reliance on military solutions.

Call to Action:

-Engage the President and members of Congress and urge to prioritize diplomatic solutions and allocate resources towards peacebuilding initiatives.

– Expected Outcomes: Reduced global conflicts, enhanced international stability, and a more balanced approach to U.S. foreign policy.


The United States has the potential to lead the world towards a more peaceful and stable future by prioritizing diplomacy, development, and integrated security-sector engagement. By addressing the root causes of conflicts and fostering long-term regional stability, the U.S. can reduce its reliance on military aid and interventions. This approach not only aligns with the best interests of the global community but also reflects the values and teachings of peace and justice.

To achieve this vision, it is crucial to understand the complexities of policy implementation and the various factors that influence decision-making. By advocating for more consistent and effective policies, promoting transparency and accountability, and engaging in public discourse, we can work towards a more peaceful and just world.

Reallocating funds from military spending to social and environmental programs can have a profound impact on global issues like hunger and climate change. For instance, even a modest reduction in military budgets worldwide could free up significant resources. A 2% annual reduction in global military spending could save over $1 trillion in just five years.

These funds could be redirected to address pressing needs such as:

Feeding the hungry: Investing in sustainable agriculture, food distribution systems, and social safety nets to ensure food security for all.

Fixing the planet: Funding renewable energy projects, conservation efforts, and climate change mitigation strategies to protect our environment.

Moreover, reducing military expenditures can also foster a culture of peace and stability, which is essential for sustainable development. By prioritizing diplomacy and cooperation over conflict, we can create a more just and equitable world.

As individuals and communities, we have a role to play in shaping the future of U.S. foreign policy, for the best interest of the U.S. and the world. By staying informed, participating in public discourse, and advocating for policies that prioritize peacebuilding and diplomacy, we can contribute to a more peaceful and just world, and better align with our values as believers drawing on common values found in the Qur’an and the teachings of Jesus. Let us draw inspiration from historical successes and work together to create a future where peace and stability are the cornerstones of global relations.

Personal Reflection

My passion for peacebuilding is deeply rooted in my personal experiences and beliefs. Growing up, I was profoundly influenced by the teachings of both the Qur’an and Jesus, which emphasize the importance of peace, justice, and compassion. I have always believed that true strength lies not in the ability to wage war, but in the capacity to foster understanding and reconciliation.

One pivotal moment that solidified my commitment to peacebuilding was witnessing the impact of conflict on vulnerable communities during my travels. I saw first-hand how violence and instability can devastate lives, displace families, and hinder development. These experiences reinforced my conviction that we must strive for a world where diplomacy and cooperation prevail over aggression and conflict.

As a peace advocate, I am inspired by the historical successes of diplomatic efforts, such as the Camp David Accords and the Good Friday Agreement. These examples demonstrate that with the right approach, even the most entrenched conflicts can be resolved. I am committed to advocating for policies that reflect these values and contribute to a more peaceful and just world.

By sharing this vision and working together, we can help shape a future where peace and stability are the foundations of global relations. Let us draw on our shared values and collective strength to create a world where every individual can live in dignity and security.

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