A visit to Dr. Hisham Nashabe the president of the Higher Institute of Islamic Study , Lebanon on the 17th of April 2017

I was honored yesterday to visit my mentor and teacher Dr. Hisham Nashabe the president of the Higher Institute of Islamic Study, to discuss my new book The Kindest of Manners. He agreed to write the forward for the book.

Participated in a conference under the auspices of Chatham House London

Regionomics I just participated in a conference held outside London, under the auspices of Chatham House. It was as a high-level, select and invitation-only meeting of senior business executives and economists from the Middle East region. We examined the economic, commercial and development incentives and benefits that would accrue to …

Attending a conference in Amsterdam titled Virtuous Character: Common Values, Shared Visions

The conference in Amsterdam titled Virtuous Character: Common Values, Shared Visions is over. The invitation was sent to us by ISSACHAR FUND, in the United States, who invited Muslim and Christian scholars to discuss common values that we can build on. My paper was The virtue of love in Islam. …

Defending my Qur’an translation in The African House for Printing the Glorious Qur’an

The meeting went very well. It started with a welcoming address by Dr. Hamza Sheikh Muhammad Saleh the President of The African House. followed by the Meeting Chairman Prof. Hassan Abbas Hassan, vice-chancellor of Omdurman Islamic University. I followed with my lecture on the reasons I did the new translation …

Honored by The African House for Printing the Glorious Qur’an

The African House for Printing the Glorious Qur’an surprised me today by presenting me with this shield showing their appreciation for my presentation yesterday and for entrusting them with the distribution of my Qur’an presentation in Africa. While waiting until August for the final certification by the three largest universities …

Expert Workshop on Middle East and North Africa Collection of Counter-Narratives for Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)

I just got back from Marrakesh where I was invited to an “Expert Workshop on Middle East and North Africa Collection of Counter-Narratives for Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)”. The invitees were Hidayah Center, Search For Common Ground and the State Department. I presented my Qur’an Translation as the best Counter …

Arab society in America is negative, fragmented and fanatic

المفكر الإسلامى صافى قصقص لـ«الشروق»: المجتمع العربى فى أمريكا سلبى ومتشرذم ومتعصب حاورته فى واشنطن ــ جيهان الحسينى: نشر فى : الإثنين 6 فبراير 2017 – 5:51 م | آخر تحديث : الإثنين 6 فبراير 2017 – 5:51 م – القرآن كتاب يفسر بعضه ولا يحتاج مصدرا خارجيا لفهمه.. تراثنا …

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